LeetCode Summary ByTag

LeetCode Summary By Tag

To make it easier to review the leetcode, classify different into groups according to its tags.

1. Array

1. Two Sum

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a. loop through + binary search; O(N)*O(logN) = O(NlogN) time performance, O(1) space cose;
b. HashMap to record the whole array then loop through the array.
O(N) time performance and O(N) space cose;

11. Container With Most Water

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two pointers, move the lower one to the higher one, update localMax and globalMax.

15. 3Sum

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3 pointers, a, b, and c.
FIRST, sort the array.
a is used to loop throught the first num, b and c are used to scan the remaining array element from two sides. which leads to O(N) time. With O(N) time to LOOP throught the whole array, we use up to $O(N^2)$ time.

16. 3Sum Closest

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Same idea with #15

18. 4Sum

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Same idea with #15, but need 4 pointers and cost $O(N^3)$ time.

26. Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array

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In-place, so we can record how many repeated numbers in this array and move the first of duplicates or non-duplicate forward.

27. Remove Element

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Same with #26

41. First Missing Positive

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Build an array to record the presence of positive integer. Loop the whole array to update this array. Then loop this array from start and we will find the first missing positive number. This costs O(N) time.

42. Trapping Rain Water

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1) Builde 2 pointers, left and right. move the lower one to higher one;
2) we need to update trapped water in a way that lower one stop once encounter a higher one. Say that left one is lower one, we move a temp pointer to right and every movement we see if current value(where pointer points) is lower than the value left pointer points.
3) If it is then update left pointer to temp pointer.
4) If not, return to 2.

2. Number

3. List